Hall of Famer Dave Winfield joins the boys to talk about his 40-plus year relationship with Don Baylor (and why he joined the Myeloma MVP campaign), what current player reminds him of when he played and what current pitchers he’d like to face and that night in San Diego when the Famous Chicken was hatched.
For more than 40 seasons, Nancy Faust was the organist for the Chicago White Sox, so when her Hammond Elegante Model 340100 went up for auction, Boston Red Sox organist Josh Kantor knew he had to have it.
Famed poster boy-turned-author John Costacos returns to talk to the boys about all those times he and his brother Tock almost killed their subjects (turns out it happened a lot!), what current players they’d like to make posters of, the one guy who turned them down and, of course, his new book “Walls of Fame”.
Recorded on the official last day of the baseball season, actor Lew Temple talks to the boys about his postseason picks and expectations, questions why the NFL always gets top-billing on ESPN.com, wonders what current-day pitchers might have flourished during 1968’s “Year of the Pitcher” and, naturally, Lou had to ask him about his upcoming role in Quentin Tarantino’s “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood”.